Copies of the underwritten Certificates are required for the final admission
 | 1. Birth Certificate – Class Nursery onwards |
 | 2. Aadhaar Card – Class Nursery onwards |
 | 3. Mark sheet/Record Sheet – Class II onwards |
 | 4. Mark sheet/Record Sheet – Class II onwards |
 | 5. Leaving Certificate – Class II onwards |
Two Recent Attested photographs for all the classes
- Transfer Certificate should be issued after having been duly signed by the regular Principal.
- No admission will be validated until the above-mentioned documents are submitted.
- Even if the admission fee is remitted, the admission will be only provisional till the above-written documents are deposited and found correct by the school authorities.
- Admission in classes Nursery. – I require a Xerox Copy of the original Birth certificate issued by the Registrar of birth of a Municipal Body. It must be attested by a gazette officer
Withdrawal / Issue of TC
- A clear calendar months’ notice in writing or a month’s fee in lieu of notice must be given before the pupil’s withdrawal.
- Those who leave school in May must in all cases pay the fees for the month of June.
- Transfer certificate is issued only when all the dues of the school are settled.
Students can be asked to leave the school on the following grounds
- Non-payment of fees.
- Disciplinary reasons.
- Repeated detention in the class.
- Delay/Repetitive failure in payment of fee.
- Absence without fee.
- Non-adherence to school rules and regulations.
- If the application of withdrawal is given after 15th June then pro-rata fee will be charged.
- Transfer certificate will be issued after all the dues are cleared and clearance form is completed.
- Fees can be paid online through our website dpstirupathi.com either by net banking or Debit/Credit card. (For login ID and password, parents may contact to school office).
- All fee are payable in advance either by cash or Cheque (Favouring Delhi Public School Tirupathi)
- Student’s name will be struck off if the fees are not paid on respective due dates.
- The student may be re-admitted only at the discretion of the principal on payment of all arrears.
- Fees can be deposited in advance for any number of terms or for the full session if it is desired.
- The date of presentation of the Cheque will be treated as date of payment provided the Cheque is not dishonoured.
- Any Cheque returned by the bank will be treated under the category of non-payment of fees and legal action will be taken against the person, and the fee will be recovered with the amount of fine.
- In case of doubt regarding the payment of any dues, parents/guardians are advised to make the payment first and seek refund later.
- Parents may kindly keep the payment receipts in safe custody and produce the same to school in proof of their payment or else they may quote the receipt number.
- Parents are requested to give correct particulars such as Admin. No., Name, Class & Section of the student while depositing the fee.
- If the students are admitted late during the post-session, fees will be realized on the pro-data basis.
- Parents must ensure the payment of all the dues of a term before the term exam commences. The admit card for the exam will be issued only if there are no dues against the students.