International Delhi Public School is one of the elite Educational Institutions in the temple city of Tirupati. International DPS carries huge expectations from the society to mould every kid who walks into our campus and be able to adapt to future trends, be it education or personality development. The foundation stage and curriculum are designed keeping the needs & demands with the times. We teach children how to think and connect between their learning & experience. We aim to encourage learning by making the curriculum as interactive as possible, where children can learn practically and develop their independence as learners. As a management policy we bring professionals into the school and take the children out to places to expand their experience and make learning more real.
Contribution from all members of the school community will be valued and recognised.
We aim to promote challenge through high expectations of learning and behaviour.
Creativity is a strong focus ensuring that school is fun! The school will be a bright attractive, stimulating place to learn.
We value parents and governors as our partners in education and will involve them, and the wider community, in the life of the school.
Children will be happy and secure and their achievements will be celebrated and value by all.
We realize the importance of efficient, effective communication. Everyone must feel that have opportunities for consultation and be kept informed.